Oh no! Its found me.
If you were given the chance to make a Pacific Rim video game by the official studio, what would your game be like?
Which ones do you prefer?
Do you remember the first video game you ever played?
Thr baby carrier is complete!
Which version of Skull Island do you consider the most dangerous to live in: The 2005 version or the Monsterverse version?
what's the most badass kaiju design you've ever seen?
Ula and Zmora's child [Awaria] by @OseroPlus
Is godzilla actually a bully?
exercise makes a better, proper gentleman
No matter where you go on Reddit, you can never escape from them
sky is heartbreaking - from one veteran player to you
Link the Twink was born from a girlfailure impregnating an autistic. By OddOnnion
theres been a misinput misinput
Which video game fandom is this?
So… what now?