Need this sticker (or a few) added to this photo
Let's work hard to make this a reality
This takes the cake
How dare you for your actions
Who owns what?
Merry Christmas.
Are we going to dip again in 2024?
Christmas Eve Bars
As a Nihilist what would you do witht he 900 million mega millions?
The Comfort of Nihilism
27 seconds into trailer
When you bought the dip, but it dips even more:
Chop confirmed in GTA6
Is Bitcoin Right for Me?
To the moon?
They just reused cities
Am I going to have withdrawal symptoms?
Corner the bowl?
If you run into this wall repeatedly with a boat it’ll cause this to happen
Do you think there’s still undiscovered “secret” phone numbers?
just a quick question
I moved away in 2013, came back in 2021. I am blown away at what a different and wonderful city this is now!
Haunted UWEC
What rapper did you swear was going to be the next big thing in hophop but just fell off quickly?
How many of you were in the top 1%?