the logitech g303 genuinely feels like cheating.
Xd nice buff for killing tanks
Swiftplay buffs
Can someone explain to me how Qiyana still performs well in high elo?
Every AD assassin's winrate drastically dropped in S15
LDR is getting an adjustment!
buffs for my queen
Phreak was right when he said to build defensive items
Did Riot killed the Domination tree ?
Baus opinion on the current state of adcs and tanks
Riot Meddler on Initial Thoughts of the Season
-18 dmg for all Electrocute enjoyers - no dmg on those runes...
How are your games feeling?
Rune on Qiyana S15
Maokai tanks 60 autoattacks from Ashe in high Challenger game and kills her under her turret., after killing her Millio. Agurin is heard saying "Back off" to his Maokai, thinking that he loses that. Turns out he doesn't.
Riot just seems to hate playstyles with a high ceiling for mechanical skill
war is over? (a little)
Nemesis on current midlane assassin state
Is Qiyana one of the worst champions to play from behind?
LR Nemesis on the new upcoming season
Those who complain about assassins might be playing the wrong assassins....
Why don't Riot take a more hardline stance against smurfing at the casual level?
Adcs and Assassins should make a temporary alliance... cant believe im SAYING THIS lol but here we are