Can't Decide a Class for a Halfblood Yuan-Ti.
How soon after you eat dinner do you lay down to sleep?
If you had 5 billion dollars but couldn't spend it on yourself, what would you spend it on?
What’s a random piece of advice that sounded ridiculous at first but actually changed your life?
Which celebrity is a ten/ten attractive?
What do you do after finishing a TV show you loved?
What advice would you give for someone who was recently rejected from art school who is now considering a career in politics?
Looking for sources on Apollo
What Is A Movie You Highly Recommend Everyone To Watch At Least Once?
A way to honor
Who is your favourite god and why?
I'm a little New to this.
What do you think of « right person, the wrong time"?
Aphrodite in God Games
How do you handle loneliness when you're not in a relationship?
What are the weirdest things we still do because of tradition?
What are you doing if you are in foreign country alone?
What is that one thing that supports you while having a mental breakdown?
if we, as humans, had to replace water with any current soda, what would you choose?
What do you miss the most right now?
What is your "Life is Unfair" moment that hits reality so hard?
What is your everyday makeup essential?
What are some things you believe the universe will not allow to happen despite any individual dream or effort?
What is pain and death to you?
Whats one truth of the universe that you would like to know?