Barrel Shroud I modeled and printed for my 10/22 Ruger Charger. Still work in progress.
Best 10/22 chassis/build that I can use for my full OEM 10/22 upper
Custom Ruger 10/22 chassi.
I'm torn between the names "Back Atcha", or "Wear your damn eyepro". STL in comments.
Is tails capable to protect the uses from NSA?
What the fuck y’all niggas got goin on in the city man😂
24 lefteye got a snow bunny in the trap
Yall boys ready for this snow tomorrow
What is the lowest frame rate you will accept on consoles?
Just bought her. 2012 X with 73k. Let me know what you guys think!
How different is technology in 2018 compared to 2024?
My personal year tier list
Can’t believe us 2008 babies are going to be 17 this year!!
Since 2025 is almost here, how old will you be in the second half of the 2020s? (2025-2029)
What are the risks of bringing a 7-8/10 girl from a third world over to west?
A surge of voters from Canada would be worse for this country than Mexicans
The ridicule this young man is subjected to is symptomatic of the neglect young men are experiencing in the modern era
My 16 year old brother dropped out of Highschool last year to be a ps5 streamer this is his setup
🚨 Whose 0 will go in 2025?
Snacks Haul
IM GOING INSANE!!! Someone please help me here
Everybody wants to be a nigga until it’s time to be a nigga
Overclocking my TV?
On the US Census, what should I put down for my race?
Male Dominican American
What’s the worst addiction that perc or that drink?