H: 4* Mods W: Rejuve mod
[PC] H: rangers, reflective, 3x limit breaking, aegis, scanners, thru hikers, polished, 2x sentinels, 3x explosives. W: 2x Rejuvenators
[PC]W: Salt H: Mods
H: Leaders W: Rejuvenating mods
H: tattered field jacket W: leaders / mix of mods : rangers / rejuvenators / reflective / arm keepers
H: Common Legendary mods W:caps
H: Urban/Forest Scout mask, BOS js and wp js, mods W: coffee, leaders or bpins
W: Salt H: Mods
H: 1-2-3 star mods / Enclave mods W: Arm Keeper's x4 . I give you more than i take
H : 1-2-3 star mods / Enclave mods W : Arm Keeper's x4 . I give you more than i take
H: caps, leaders, EPR MODS W: rangers x2
W: Alien Blaster Poison Mag Plan H: Caps or Mods
H: 5,000 Caps W: Gatling Plasma with Calibrated Receiver, Stinging Core, and Accelerated Nozzle
H: overeaters x5 W: Ranger's x1
H: 100 leaders , W: 30k caps
W: enclave gun flamer mod H: caps
[PC] H: caps, enclave mods W: rangers
H: caps, enclave mods W: rangers
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What's going on with leader prices?
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H: Mods W: 4 2* Endurance
H: caps , a lot of mods ( no 4 stars ) W: for 5x overeaters i can give 10 mods ( 1 2 or 3 stars )
Found in a vendor for 150 caps, did I get lucky?