Anyone interested in discussing songwriting and guitar playing?
Encouraging removal of black and white touched up tattoo
19F Bedroom musician looking for some lasting friendships
Zaharova (RU): Zapad planira destabilizaciju Srbije mehanizmima „obojenih revolucija“
Ukranian dark academia
Zašto se u Srbiji toliko žena farba u plavo?
Mind the mess but my GF just made me this shirt for my bday and I thought I'd share it. It's cute!!!
Dealing with motional hypersensitivity in everyday life
Poklanjam dva mala morska praseta - Da li je neko zainteresovan da ih udomi?
Problems opening the account or signing in
Geometry problem
A falcon snatched a baby pigeon from my balcony, and now I'm in a dilemma about whether to take the surviving baby inside away from its parents.
Removal, excision, some white ink
This is Reggie
Да ли су вам људи који не возе непривлачни/не бисте излазили са њима?
Being bipolar is no more of a "disease" than being gay.
Anyone interesting in studying intermediate music theory with me?
Anyone interested in studying with me?
Bipolarni poremećaj - ima li nas ovde još?
Zašto u obdaništima ne postoje kamere?
Деца после четрдесете?
18-year-old GTA VI hacker ordered to life in hospital over leaked clips
Уновчавање знања енглеског
6 year old back tattoo. REALLY want this gone but i'm afraid it's too large...
Is this real
Behold! The English Pouter Pigeon!