Looking for an English speaking friend in Bangkok from 06.01 till 14.01 2015
What does “noteangry” mean?
Looking for a person with a spare character slot for filming.
[M4A] Looking for a nice afterwork beer in a Japanese pub setting.
Looking for a literate native English speaker from EU time zone to join my small discord channel.
Looking for a British English English teacher to join my discord!
Looking for quick literate RP
Got anything to read?
[EU] Looking for quick literate RP
Go ahead. Drool.
Looking for RP Coach
Guild Wars 2 MMORPG RP guild. [EU] (18+)
Looking for an experienced partner to RP/Coach me.
Looking for an advertising specialist for the guild.
Casual Roleplaying Guild ‘’Nonstop Roleplay’’ [RP] is now recruiting
Casual Roleplaying Guild ‘’Nonstop Roleplay’’ [RP] is now recruiting!
# (18+) New Casual Roleplaying Guild ‘’Nonstop Roleplay’’ [RP] is now recruiting!