The Lord of the Rings is often hailed as the greatest story/work of fiction ever but which other story/work of fiction comes closest to being as good, if not better than it?
What is the single most epic sci-fi novel ever? Whether it be from a series or a standalone book which is the most epic story you’ve ever read?
Warhammer Fantasy or 40k? Which side of Warhammer do you think has the better literature/books and lore?
What is the largest city/civilisation in all of sci-fi
How good is Warhammer Fantasy compared to 40k? Are the as many quality books in fantasy compared to 40k? Is there as much fantasy lore to delve into compared to 40k? I’ve only just recently became interested in the fantasy side and I was wondering if it’s as good as the 40k side?
What is your favourite medium for storytelling/world building?
The Culture by Ian M. Banks is often regarded by sci-fi fans as the best fictional setting ever made. What makes The Culture the best even compared to settings like Star Wars, Dune and Star Trek etc?
I see a lot of hate around Marvel now, is it something people still genuinely love? Is it a franchise/fictional universe that you consider one of your favourites or are you uninterested in it now? What other franchises/universes interest you more?
What are your favourite works of fiction ever?
Right now it seems everyone is doubting Marvel, but do you actually think there’s a chance they can turn it around and pull of this Doom/multiverse arc and really surprise us fans?
Where does Warhammer 40k rank among your favourite works of sci-fi/fantasy? Does the lore/stories of this universe compete with your favourites in sci-fi and fantasy or is it a universe that you just casually enjoy?
Is Star Wars in your opinion the greatest sci-fi universe ever made?
What’s your favourite Dune book and why?
Dune and Dune Messiah both together constitute my favourite story/setting in all of science fiction. What’s yours?
What is your all time favourite fictional universe and why?
Jedi Survivor or Space Marine 2?
Is Foundation by Isaac Asimov a masterpiece?
Is Malazan your favourite piece of fiction? If not what is?
Is Warhammer 40k one of your favourite pieces of fiction and sci-fi?
What other franchises/universes do you think are better and more enjoyable than Star Wars?
Thoughts on Warhammer 40k novels? Worth getting into this universe?
In my opinion Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan is the best sci-fi movie ever made. What are your thoughts on this movie?