Should I tell my wife that in order for her to lose weight she actually needs to eat less?
My coworker wants to carpool with me to and from work everyday!
My (25F) boyfriend (25M) got mad because a male coworker brought me food?
My gf [25f] found out she has HPV and accused me [28m] of cheating. I never cheated and I’ve been vaccinated. What do I do?
Is it a red flag if he (31M) leaves his long term girlfriend for me (29F) ?
Am I wrong for wanting my teen to move out after he graduates ?
How do I (19F) get over a comment from my boyfriend (18M) about my small chest?
My fiance just confessed to being in love with my little sister
Don’t have an accommodation form for work yet. Is it okay for them to still make me do things that cause me pain?
Makeup artist cancelled a week before my wedding and I’m so lost
I violated HIPAA, will I get fired?
Do you ever feel guilty about how much screen time your child has?
How can people keep going to work for 45 years or more and not go crazy?
Why do people say your 20s are the best years of your life?
Parents whose kids aren’t picky - did you do anything specific when they were babies?
What can instantly cure depression ?
What is wrong with this hospital?
My (26F) boyfriend (24M) can’t go a few days without a fight?
If someone gave you $1000 a day to never drink alcohol again/ever, what would you do?
What is everyone's weekly grocery bill look like on average?
What clean meals do you eat on the daily?
I always bring my son to his dad out of state
Why is my(m37) wife (f30) jealous that my ex-wife has found love?
What are your ‘nice things’ about working nights?
What's the simplest method you've employed to drop weight without putting in much work or discipline?