How to pronounce Mizo and Mizoram
Are people with boro surnames Bodo Kacharis or are they something else?
Bodo granda tells that due to negligence of govt in solving illegal immigrant issue, he himself had to take action by sending elephants to drive them away.
Boro ni traditional jewellery
Help 😭
Ex hanging out with my mum and Aunty
First night alone in bed
Any thoughts?
Translate this in your language.
School is doing some whitewashing for reputation
Please be aware and safe !!
Name of Goddness and Gods in Bathouism
When will Upper caste axomias own up to the racism done on basis of gahori consumption to tribals
Is this how an AI should response??
My ex wants me back
My ex wants me back!!!
August took you away from me
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Clan name's and their meanings
Is bathou hindu?
What is the word for God in your language?
Ornament wore by bodo women