2025 #2 Ballistus from indomitus. If I built/painted the biologis, 5 burninators, and the sterngaurd I'd have finished Indomitus...
Thoughts on this scheme - Warhipster?
Deathwatch kill team?
ICC done
Big stinky boy
Can anyone share what they do for bases on their dark angels I need inspiration (preferably with pics)
The Painting starts!
Just started magnetising bases
Building the Lion
Asmodai done
Started with the patrol box and now I’m here
Chaplain done and asmodai wip
Last model of the year
My first minis
3 weeks of painting terminators later
Bad pictures, but my sons of the Lion so far
Repainted my ICCs
The jackpot
My ICC bland?
Grimdark DWK
Currently I have 800+ point fully painted :)
Deathwing Librarian