500,000 to invest - what do I do?
Is this good or bad progress for 5 weeks and 4 days after 1st removal session? How many more sessions do you think I’ll need?
Goldfarb Presentation YClearIT
Peaceful valley / Kendal / Maple Falls possible move
ClearIt releases video on website
Another ClearIT patent
Reputable & Ethical Websites to Buy Folk Art?
ClearIT’s website is up!
Photos of tattoo removal with Russian plasma device
Can I drink caffeine before my appointment today??
What’s the next thing (a realistic solution that would work on ALL tattoos, so no micro coring) besides Clearit? I’ve lost hope in them.
Systems, devices and methods for fractional resection, fractional skin grafting, fractional scar reduction and fractional tattoo removal
Clearit eraser test
ClearIT LSI Presentation
Any word on the LSI Summit?
Sleeve turned out purely and now I feel horrible, starting removal
Who are the new people Clearit added recently?
ClearIT has updated their website.
Feeling so lonely on this journey of waiting for these companies. No one close to me understands how it feels…
Emailed Martin from Clearit and this is part of his response
This is the year!
Would you use Clearit when it comes out?
Ultrasound tattoo removal