How do I say "goblin" in Swedish?
What lack of basic knowledge in college students surprises you the most?
Read the instructions?
What’s a common word you really struggle to pronounce ?
My favorite student and I have been emailing back and forth about school stuff, but every time we email each other we change the subject line so it's a classic rock song rewritten to be about Covid-19. Here are all of them so far:
If you could speak for 1 minute and be heard by everybody in the world, what would you say?
An extra credit assignment that I suggest you all assign to your students ASAP
Version 0.4 of the League of Legends LED Integration is here! Lots of improvements for Razer Chroma.
Anybody have a haiku for the pandemic this semester? Here's mine
That other shoe just refuses to drop
+9 Pyroclast Mine HotHT
"How do I finish the course?"
What college "social skill" advice would you give students for interacting with professors?
Loot Stuck Under Octavius (Picture and fix)
I hate this so much.
[H] [Frostwolf US] Looking for Competent Raiders
Welcome to the Finals Contest