The Syrian Druze delegation arrives in the village of Majdal Shams.
Are we (Jews) truly on our own?
According to sources from Suwayda, the video released of Hikmat al-Hijri making the statements was from a week before an agreement with the Syrian Government and intentionally leaked today by unknown individuals
If it couldn’t get worse since Florida..
Hijri: no agreement with this Syrian government. This is a radical government that’s wanted internationally
How this graphics would be if Iran wasnt sactioned ?
Israel's plan for Syria?
Longer version of Syrian soldier harassing Alawite woman about her son's murder
Massacres of Alawite civilians gives Israel a reason to invade Syria.
Assadists are using 2012 photos of dead Children killed by their Leader to smear the STG
Someone is out there earning extra laser time
Massacres in Syria: The West’s Complicit Silence
Defiant Alawite mom after her sons were executed
Israeli fighter jets fly low over Syria in 'message' to Sharaa on Druze - N12
Druze Highest Sheikh Hikmat Al-Hajri, along with the rest of the Sweida blocs, announces an agreement with the government in Damascus.
IDF troops opened fire on two flocks of sheep near the disengagement zone in the Quneitra-Rafid area, killing more than 100 sheep.
These guys in HTS are funny… they want to take over the Israeli territory🤣🤣 bunch of delusional clowns
When an Arab Jew cosplays as Arab for Purim
I don't wanna say I told you but.............
Our enemies are still human
HTS member encourages killings but advises not to film, then shown telling civilians at Hmeimim airbase they will be safe if they leave
Seriously, stop.
Why is nobody outside of the middle east talking about the massacres in the last weekend?
I don't know if it is appropriate or fits the sub, but I thought it was funny
Least based middle east super powers
Why are we hidden?