Common items needed to upgrade common -> legendary, as a function of productivity and quality
How to get quality holmium plates?
What is this joke ?
Module of Science 1k SPM expandable
Read or Blue Team?
As an efficiency slut, I've always been partial to the red side
Does someone created an automall with the stablish recepy function ? +circuits +help
New Automall Design (so simple)
What am I supposed to do ? Fulgora trolled me LMAO
I feel like I should apologize to the devs.
Spanish "R" sounds?
Incorrect? Or Another Way to Say The Same Thing?
Meaning of “ya mamaron” in this context?
Cuál es la diferencia entre estas dos frases?
cual es la opción mejor?
Is the structure of 'imperfect + past participle' common?
please help me find youtubers lol
Ansiedad con hablando con nativos
In Spain, I'm not sure how to ask can I pay at a resturant...
I know you must never use puedo tener but…
Unpleasant words to describe a person of certain race.
SoL not growing despite 70% of excess
0 interested in programs.