Looking for feedback on prospective 1,000 SF Cabin Design/Layout. Any suggestions welcome!
Hiring! An Artist for a Dragon Ball Z Style Commission
What's the worst gift a relative has gotten for your child?
Those of you who got “useless” college degrees, how’s it going?
A Study of Great Smoky Mountains, Me (Landscape_Way), Acrylics, 2022
I feel like my children (and us) don't have enough community
How can I best support/encourage my 4 yo son to swim
A picture of Austin from 1999, courtesy of Zoobooks
Any Idea what's happening with our peeling roof painting?
Why can I not putt consistently! Help!
2024 Masters Giveaway: Sunday Golf
Joint / Tendon pain in knuckles
Report: Tiger Woods has ‘eliminated sex’ in preparation for the 2024 Masters
How to get less rollout from irons?
Heavy Draw Advice
Someone got a raise and bought a new club, so I bought a new putter.
Golf is rapidly pricing me out
I have 280 dollars should I buy the quest 2 or save for the quest 3?
Odd Router Question - Two Networks
What is the best solution for my caulking my bathtun where it meets the linoleum?
What's your golf routine?
Austin, TX
Walked the course for the first time today. What a great way to play golf.