Do you use AI supported websites/apps while studying? If so, how do you make you use of them?
Mods Can we have Regional/Country Flairs
Im so fricking lost in medical school
Anxious about leaving my single mother for residency
Cancer took the love of my life
impostor syndrome
Attending made me cry, then stated that I'm oversensitive
Anxious about boards and the possibility of failing! Any advice?
My Fire Journey - Wife called me “Loser”
For the gamers here: Has anyone tried Stardew Valley pomodoro?
For the First Time in my Life, I don’t Think I have what it Takes
Bought 2 to test out
Worth waiting till the 29th to see more deals or pull the trigger on a laptop now?
Is this a good deal or should I hold off until the 5000 series? Likelyhood of them discounting the 4090 version by that time?
Literal Last Minute Specialty Choice
Politically correct term for 'homeless'?
Back in my day 👴, I just pulled out an old schedule, reasons why CE was diabolical
Do scores come out at 8am EST?
Do I need both Comlex and Step 2 for Psych? (Only took Level 1 and passed)
8/22 level 2 score release thread
Comlex Level 2 Assurance
Question for partner
Hemodynamic stability questions pisses me off.
As a German, I say, a fricking stone should be able to defeat trump.