Man-at-Arms with pollaxe
What are the major differences between late 14th century and early-late 15th century leg harness's ?
Knight Flagellant
Queen Tomyris (6th century BC) depicted in 1410 AD
What type of shields are depicted here?
Ready for KCD:II
Question about "underlayers"...
What can I add, remove, change or improve? Western European 1380-1410s
A Company Engaged in Battle
Red and Black
I drew this suit of armor!
Versatile lamellar
How accurate are padded hoods like this? Any sources?
15th century Spanish sailors/marines by Marek Szyszko
New Jupon!
Wanna make a Brigantine
Thoughts on the Frogmouth Helm?
Knight Hospitaller
Scottish Wars of Independence (2nd Phase)
Fictional late 14th century battle
Lady Élunia. Casting too many holy spells causes nosebleeds.
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