Would it be a good idea to hook up with my ex again now that I've healed?
Is it risky to order weed gummies to my university apartment?
I ‘F22’ cheated on bf ‘M22’ together for 2 years, do you think it’s worth it?
My (33f) boyfriend (44m) slept over at his ex's house
Got cheated on last night, is there any way to get this situation out of my head?
I (18M) never really know what to say during sex with my (19F) girlfriend and it makes it awkward
Young R20 NH Bloods jump R30 Harlem Crip at School
Is this a good year model Camry? 2016 Toyota Camry XLE - 125000 miles - $11,900
My crush turned out to be a blackpiller incel
Any Advice On How To Start Dating Again?
Sexual incompatibility: me 30M with her 28F
Have you ever felt as if your ex was not being honest about why you were dumped?
Fuck you
My (26M) girlfriend (26F) and I have been together for two years now. Do all men feel this exhausted in a relationship?
Pls help me, I always DREAMED of having emo hair but I have curly hair. Is it possible to achieve what I want? Should I give up?
You’re a fucking coward
I’m walking across Texas y’all
Accidentally sold all my doge 😔
unattractive men cheating on beautiful girls?
what is missing? besides the 1er
I got made fun of all of middle and high school for my nose. It’s my biggest insecurity, should I get the bump straightened?
Anybody else addicted to racking? Can’t wait to huff all this.
20M coworker giving me 20F Cold shoulder suddenly after months of sex
My girlfriend left me this note on her way to work this morning. I've never seen this flash drive before
You all need to drink and forget about the money you lost.