What does this Symbol mean?
WTF??? Why even introduce a new game mode for only 7days if no one can play it?? Hello???
TIL they don't know how to categorize champs
Vodite li se intuicijom ili razumom?
My guild thought my controls setup was cancer
What did you get in the role selection skin chest?
U Novom Sadu, danas u 11:45, probao BMW-om da prođe kroz masu studenata. Najuren od strane studenata.
Just in case you were wondering. This is what happens when you FAFO. 1 year chat ban.
Narukvice s čvorovima?
Dobro jutro srbijo
She has homophobia in her eyes
Perfect example of kills don’t win games.
Komentari na priču silovane djevojke
This Map i made contain all the Balkan Country?, i want do a map about Vampire Legends in Balkans so i wanted do the Balkan map first 😅
I think the devs made a mistake here
Samo cu ovo ostaviti ovde. Plaća da stojiš i slušaš ga.
All Patch 6.0 info in under 3 minutes (Releases January 9th)
Muškarci iz Hrvatske i BiH u Austriji odvukli 76-godišnjakinju u auto i silovali je
Pomozi u identifikaciji pesme od Tome Zdravković (mislim)
“I don't really like the skins in the store, I'll just buy the 5500 skin chest I wonder what I'll ge-”
Funniest thing i saw someone type in chat in ages
The arcane selection chest should contain one of the new skins and not just S1 skins
Jumps in, steals drag, refuses to elaborate, leaves
How much you have spent before getting 1k drop?