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Who left another religion?
Israel should no longer tolerate the PA's rule - The Jerusalem Post
Pronunciation of Ashkenazi Names in English-Speaking Countries
inappropriete posts of some IDF soliders
European Media Bias against Israel
From where do you get news about Israeli topics?
Wie kann man auf Holocaust-Leugnung reagieren?
Demo in Berlin-Kreuzberg: Menschen feiern Sturz von Assad
My review of Kazimierz, the Jewish Quarter of Cracow, Poland (as a Polish Non-Jew)
Am I the only one who can’t watch any 10/7 footage?
What do people here (especially Israelis) think of Haaretz post 07/10?
Israeli Evergreens
A 5-minute video made me a big Israel supporter
I watched a video from Gaza today and I cried
Ich arbeite seit über 10 Jahren als internationales Male Model - AMA
Does Haaretz differ significantly between English and Hebrew?
Wer hatte das Potenzial zum Rapsuperstar/Popstar, hat den großen Sprung aber nie geschafft?
Inhalt über Palestina-Konflikt
Hezbollah rockets are landing in the West Bank
Violent Bombings Hitting the South Now
Suche ein bestimmtes Lied. Lied hat Ähnlichkeit zu U. Lindenberg - ein Herz kann man nicht reparieren
Is Krav Maga relevant in Israel?
Was sind eure Top 2 Deutschrap Songs aller Zeiten?