Unpopular Opinon: AE 1 Lows are better than the Mids
Does JetBoost bottom out?
Should volleyball players have their own signature line?
Is the level of play in girls' volleyball less to boys' volleyball?
Do you think Goat is going 2/2?
Have you ever had anybody call cherry picking in a pickup game
Where to buy WOW SOF "Gray Boy"/"First Born"?
How to stop a 2-1-2?
Shooting Slumps.
Adidas AE1 low vs Sky Elite FF 2
Can anyone identify my calf pain?
Will the original 2 other colorways of SOF comeback?
Is these sky elite ff2 original?
Roblox Mimic Lore?
Is there lore/timeline in this game?
Thoughts about FootDoctorZach reviewing the MetaRise 2?
Study Guide (How to find motivation and be dedicated to studying)
Shoes for a guard
Giannis immortality 4 and general
Are Asics overrated?
Never heard of Nike only
I only wear
Nike? More like
How many faces do you see in this picture?
Who is he? Wrong answers only