And MAGA God said “Let there be water…”
Username as prompt
There's a zombie apocalypse and the first item on your left is your weapon, what is it?
Inspired to post by the sausage fridge, tell me what my fridge says about me:
They said it was going to happen but I didn't believe them. Long weekend limited addition
Does anyone know where I can find similar bikini bottoms? 🙏
Juvenile fruit bat in my nectarine tree this morning
What are some of your favourite local slang and phrases that are commonly used in your city or state?
The food in Christmas Swim looks absolutely delicious! Question: what is the big meat dish called?
[FO] Every finish a project in the car before a party?
Why does all my mail do this in my letter box?
This was…not the corner I meant to cut off.
During the Spanish flu of 1918 in California.
Saw this image on TikTok and I’m unsure if it’s real but still pretty unsettling
Just some pics of my Monstera Albo Variegata
one of my favorite portraits i’ve stitched so far, but maybe it’s because there’s a fluffy cow 🪡🐮
Hey everybody! As someone who has loved the band since I was a teenager, I would like to ask: for those of you who have seen the band live, where & when did you first see them live (& at what venue)? Have you seen them multiple times since then?
What are these(from a mini sewing kit)?
My son (5) is literally starving himself
Anyone want a 10 month old corgi? I'm about to hand him off to the nearest passing stranger. 😐
Hand quilting tips appreciated
What is this tortle and how do I take care of it ?
Is this as ugly as I think it is?
Nocturnal baby quilt and my first pieced back
Selections from the Pacific International Quilt Festival