How is this setup?
How much does Uber drivers get paid per hour or so?
Not much more time with my mother
My Mom is dying and I don’t know what to do
What the fuck is life
SCC of Esophagus stage IV
4 weeks with cough labs came back normal
What loadouts will you run with in the BO6 integration?
Do any painters here know how dangerous our job really is?
Hygiene issue ruining our (F30) and (M26) relationship Please help me!?
(23M) worried that my fiance (22F) is cheating. Any advice?
New video uploaded to YouTube “I found my tape”
72 pound weight gain😳
Credit Score dropped 103 points
B4B 2 Left! $Aden-Pippin
B4B $MattK25 1 left
B4B $MattK25 3 left
Acting out my dreams. Help!!
Are my teeth saveable?
My (27F) boyfriend (27M) asks for blowjobs multiple times a day. How can I/we get passed how this is making me feel?
Male(23) with small kidney stone
How bad to mess up to get fired/disciplined?
My (20F) fiance wants to move out of my (23M) parents home after my mother was diagnosed with cancer
Can’t see teammate pings MW3
Chime boost I have all 4 will boost back asap $tommysss