If you are on the road or traveling and need to poop, use this lifehack!
I know I will catch flak for this, but ye who hate Wizard and Glass have forgotten the face of your father.
LPT: If you are traveling (day trips or in between hotels), and you need to poop but want to find a clean private bathroom…
What is this?
Is sex with your current partner the best youve ever had?
Who’s the hottest Jennifer?
Just finished the series for the first time…
Pitbull attacks a carriage horse. Owner tries to get it under control
Make a burger
I only have an image, what was the name of this movie? actor's name is also appreciated!
Request: Assuming they would live , how far could a personal fall into water if the were falling at 120 mph?
Do you ever stop looting?
Do you think your favorite character could lift Thor's hammer?
My favorite line after 4 trips to the tower
Your take on morning sex?
Bernie is all of us right now..