What treatment options can I expect?
Thickened peroneal tendon
Cervical spondylosis at 24yrs old. Any advice?
My 7 Month old BSH blue 🩵
How much did your BSH weigh
Do you bathe your BSH?
Tips on a 9 month old BSH?
Anyone else got extremely sensitive skin?
Most frustrating thing a doctor has ever said to you?
Passive suicidal ideation
What is fibro pain like?
Show me your cats glamour shot.
Anyone else have specifically clinical depression?
Anyone else deal with visual issues, such as a ton of floaters and “hazy” vision?
Anyone else's baby like just barely touching you when they sleep? What goofs!
What triggered your fibromyalgia
Does anyone else constantly rest their feet in a rolled position?
What do you do for income?
How do I get her chonky?
Anyone else get pure rage and hatred episodes caused by sensory overload?
I really cannot accept that I have a chronic disease at a young age.
Pure rage and hatred episodes because of noise
I’m allergic to my boyfriend’s facial hair?
Did you stop enjoying Christmas as much as you got older?