W/L my biggest trade, hopefully didn't get robbed.
I don’t deserve this
Can't figure out what to do
How much is this worth (not a ss bc on console)
Why did 24h of each nectar just appear? I left and rejoined and it was just there. Is this just a bug?
how do I do this quest if I can't summon wild windy bee
how much is this sticker worth?
going white at level 18 and with the gummy baller 1000/1500 glue, 5/5 turp, 52/50 caustic 7/50 super smoothies any advice? (this hive is for resources not honey for the GB)
Bee swarm
Underfilling ? Can I change something to the hive ?
Why do I make so little macroing as a blue hive?
Reaching 30 bees... was a mistake at best.
Just wondering, how big are your guys sticker stack?
Best beesmas gift ever
What should I do to complete the Gummy Bear quest faster?
My mom wants to play Roblox with me!!
Is this any good?
I’m sick of grinding so lmk opinions
Why does macro just refuse to do anything right
Does anyone know which of these is better for blue
What should i change in my hive to earn more?