What do you find attractive about women?
Wish I could worship her
Would you be ok with your wife having a side piece?
I’m so tired of begging for my bf to make me feel good
I am scared of my bf, I need advice please
What is your most favourite weapon and why?
35m found out my 1 year wife (30f) is doing prostitution
Frequency of sex…married couples?
What is ruining your mental health?
WIBTAH if i got a vibrator?
What’s the best thing to say after you had sex ?
What is something that is stopping humanity from progressing forward?
Do men really find sundresses and boots sexy?
How many single guys would date a 37F with no kids? As in serious dating looking for a relationship and not just a hookup.
I often compliment women for no reason and with no expectations. Is that bad form?
What fucked you up for the rest of your life?
Are skinny/healthy weight people just not as hungry as people who struggle with obesity?
Who is participating in the economic blackout today?
What's one quote that you live your life by?
If you get pulled over for speeding, is it better to lie about speeding or be honest about your speed?