Time on invites
Plot holes you’ve noticed on the show?
Just realized chemical is the key
How many times have you negotiated and what advice would you share right now
Moving to UK - don't know shops. Can you help?
I was asked in an interview “what would your current manager say is your biggest strength and weakness”
Moving into new property
Is anybody watching the BAFTAs?
Interview question I got once: "what kind of person were you in highschool?" i was 24.
Favourite Independent Coffee Shop?
How should they have handled Jane Leeves' pregnancy?
Celebrating bday in Edinburgh
Number of Cities in your Country that are Larger than your Capital City (By population)
Would You Play Video Games in your local Pub, Bar, or Café? Looking for Honest Opinions!
I don’t get it
What’s the difference in phone interview and in person
Any good representations of females in LGBTQ+ relationships on British TV?
Are there any onscreen female LGBTQ+ relationships in UK film/TV?
What is Dellas problem??
Should I Wait Two Weeks for My Interview or Offer More Availability?
When is too much
What's your favorite restaurant?
Black and Blank sh.it coffee chains.
Fave quote so far (episode 3)
Thoughts on Amandaland?