I don't get it
Ran into this guy on Accident
Got these shiny within the past week and a bit, are any usable?
Today I learnt mana burn isn't in MTG
Does anyone know why season chapters are now 12 races long instead of 9?
I'm sorry Lexasia
I hate Pianosaurs (And I’m tired of pretending I don’t)
I am Once Again Asking For Universal Boxes to be Separated by Year.
Barbossa is such a ridiculous broken racer
I hate the corrupted parade master!
My favorite weapon is the puppet ripper! What is yalls?
Wow just wow
Someone is about to fail their driving test...
Ellen in 2010
Tron season hype
Anyone else dread Alchemists Isle?
Saw this funny card and it got me thinking… 10 blue phyrexian mana is too much for me to play, but how low would it have to be dropped before you put it in your decks? I think I’d do 4…
I’m scared a failed a think 25 test purchase.
Giveaway 1x Steam key for the base game
Willow help
Ariana is one of, if not THE sexiest women in porn
When you're walking through the woods and PTSD comes back...
Is it possible to get snapchat to stop sending me notifications for random people's stories?
What things did lies of p did better than fromsoft in your opinion.
Hilary Duff