Bevilaqua and Gismonte hitting a 75k score (137,500$ in 2025) at 23 years old before crashing out on Christopher because they weren’t “getting anywhere”
Which driver looks best at address?
Favorite casinos to play at? Strip or off, doesn’t matter
Who's the GOAT rappin producer?
How is the craps at Turning stone?
Looks familiar
This dance
What is your underrated golf feeling?
After Benny stomped in to the kitchen and plunged Artie's hand in to the pot of scalding hot gravy...
What do y’all think was Hal’s decision in the episode “the living will”?
Troon Trip
There was a rule to hiring folks, that rule is dead it seems.
You inherit $15,000,000,000, how do you live your life?
Do Italians really call tomato sauce gravy?
Most wholesome Tony moment?
Thoughts on mid-roll buy in.
Imagine if Raduca made a comeback as Reeses wife again in the new series
What is Tony’s most wholesome moment?
What is Tony’s most wholesome moment, if such a moment were to even exisht?
What do you believe your purpose in life is?
Newest addition to my bag
Are Penn and Teller worth watching live?
Best website to buy an incomplete set of used irons?
whats one thing yall love about Hal Wilkerson?
What's your favorite bromance on the show? Carver and Herc? Omar and Butchie? Wee-bey and Chris? McNulty and himself? What two characters were made for each other?
Is there anything more demoralizing than going to the range right after a lesson?