Unproductive after 7 hours of work?
What's something considered to be dumb but actually is a sign of intelligence?
What's your best insult without using a single profanity?
"There are children starving in Africa."
Fellow INTPs, share your top 5 favourite albums ever
please tell me that everyone play badly in the first try ;(
Stabbing outside Auckland CBD library
Primary School suggestion please
Is my school doing the IB normally?
Why did so many nation states oppose the emancipation of women in the past?
Why aren't kids taught about Logical Fallacies I'm school so people can debate logically instead of emotionally?
Why are billionaires so money hungry?
Why are some people so over-emotional?
Pieces for piano quartet?
Would y'all recommend studying in 90min or 2 hour blocks?
Helicopter Flying back and forth to Chelsea bay?
What does it take to make an academic comeback?
You know you’re in small town when…
How extensively do you plan your essays?
Get ahead on IAs or revise?
Was the ‘opening up’ of China in 1972 by the Nixon administration a mistake?
Apprehensive about the future
am i the only one who never uses chatgpt?
Is it better to take History SL or Geography SL?
How to study for English Lang Lit HL?