[PS4] H: Glowing Masks W: offers, prefer leader
H: GnB7 mags (+10% unscoped weapon dmg) W: Leaders 3:1
H: glow unicorn + glow alien W: tfj or leaders pls
H: Leather Coat W: Offers UPDATE
H: 2 tankys,viper, conductor w: runner mods ( 2 runner mods per)
H: Yellow and Pink Basebal Bat W: 4* Mods
H:reflective mod W:2 rejuv
H: LC W: leaders
H: 500 leaders and 400 live and love 8s W: apparel offers
H: 1,250 Leaders W: TFJ
H: Limit Breaking Mod W: 20 Leaders
H: Glowing Honey Bee and unicorn masks W: leaders offers
H: glowing uni W:offers
H: Glowing Unicorn + PICs W: Red assylum/TFJ
H: Leaders W:Pounders
H: Red Asylum Dress W: Other Rare Apparel or Offers
H: Limit breaking W: Rejuvenator's
H: 4 Reflective W:150 for 1/250 for 2/350 for3/400 for 4
H: Pounders. W: 80 Leaders
H: GSBQ,GBD,GHB,Loon W: Leaders/apparel offers
H: mods W: rejuvenators
H: Deathclaw Mask W: 80 Leaders
H: Glowing Unicorn W: Ranger mods
(PS4)H: 3 rangers + others listed W: Fas mask offers