Pain management after surgery
Fusion surgery hospital visit
I want to live in Alabama
Every famous person deserves an appropriate statue...
Best video on the net today
Can’t win em all.
Trump administration orders government agency to stop predicting long-term climate change impacts
GeT a hIgHeR pAYiNG jOb
Brett Kavanaugh Shows How Eager He Is to Tear Down the Wall Between Church and State
Motherhood over 9000
The right loves woman and children.
Christian Taliban
Fridays are the best!
It might be too true to be humor, but here we are.
Ross: 'I don't quite understand why' federal workers need food banks during shutdown
Iowa’s ‘Fetal Heartbeat’ Abortion Ban Ruled Unconstitutional
The right is just as easily triggered as the left
Poll: A majority of Americans support raising the top tax rate to 70 percent
Ocasio-Cortez's climate genius stroke: Her Green New Deal is the most serious response to the crisis yet
Border wall would do nothing to stop terrorism. And there is no national emergency.
Did you hear about the Republicans' new initiative to buy glasses for minorities?
What Trump Has Done Is Already Impeachable By Any Reasonable Standard
Trump says he doesn't believe in climate change because 'air and water is at a record clean'
Donald Trump Says ‘Don't Worry’ About the Thousands of Troops Spending Thanksgiving at the Border: ‘These Are Tough People’
People Who Accept Climate Change Now Control the House Science Committee