What's the craziest thing you've seen in dayz?
Im fairly new to dayz, what was that? scared the shit out of me
What is this game for you?
What to do
I vow to never use a grenade ever again
DayZ Isn't Really A Game
Why are dayz players like this
PlayStation players only
Fully functional and attachable Car Armor for all Vanilla DayZ Vehicles
I thought I could hide from the wolf inside the building, but he phased through the wall 😂
Best thing ive done today
You're in good hands, old girl
Who has the best advice?
Who wins? A team of bursts or a team of tacs.
What are men’s real thoughts on lingerie?
Anyone wanna explain how I can avoid this??
Sorry if this is a stupid question but I need to know.
Guys help
Why do so many males tend to Use the words "bitch" " hoe" etc when referring to their woman or any woman for that matter?
To my stalker,
I love this game,but hate the players
What are your last words? A guy has a gun to your head and asks you, so what do you say?
Which is the smallest country that can defeat Australia in war?
How did i die??
Fuck this game i quit😂