Movies that made you crush on an actress?
Which movie character do you have a crush on?
Associate 1 word in connection to this truck
What luxury SUV should I get next?
2.7 gpa
My wife and I test drove 10+ different SUVs and narrowed it down to….5.
Who was the “It” actress of the early 2000’s (00-09)?
Does anyone want to protest with me?
Grocery Store Options
Do you know any ultra wealthy students or families at UIUC?
Best Indian Lunch Specials in Alpharetta?
Anyone install one of these on their own car?
roast my car with out mentioning the color
Move out of Los Angeles to somewhere greener
Palm Springs CA or Naples FL? Looking for warm place to retire.
Consistently cloudy metros
Buying physical iClicker 15 dollars
It's my last year at UIUC. I have one free class left for spring. What's the best class you've ever taken?
Expecting my first kid, need a different weekend/fun car.
Should I buy a truck I would love or a practical truck
What is the best compact SUV?
How is THEA 101?
SOC 280 Difficulty Social Stat.
Beautiful Sunrise