Name other definitive post punk albums
I became a fan of Blur a couple months ago and just finished listening to every album. Here are my thoughts.
Hoppipola has to be one of the best pieces of art I’ve ever heard.
What's the most "badass" THE CURE song (sound-wise)?
Reddit Manics' Album rankings
Thoughts on Britannia Hotel?
Fall On Me
Neil's 10 Major Flipflops
If Lou suddenly appeared in your bedroom and offered to play you one song, which would you pick and why?
Which Neil Young song?
Which Radiohead song!
What’s everyone’s top 5 songs
Does anyone have a rough sort of list of what effects pedals Graham used during early Blur like the first 2 albums?
I've posted about it before on here, but The Universal can make me cry.
Guitar sound on Battery In Your Leg
What’s the MOST “radiohead” Radiohead song to you?
Chances Blur ever tour again?
Looking for similar band but heavier on guitars
If blur made another best of album, what songs from think tank to the narcissist would make the cut
SOALW production criticisms
What KISS song is this?
What is your fav song from Decade?!
Merch stand at Liverpool
Worst show you've attended?
Manchester Gorilla
Aren’t the bowling ramps for special needs?