Kid carjacking suspects arrested.
Police Chase I Recorded (7th and Thomas)
I received a comedically large spoon
Looks like my phone won’t be charging today
Always my #1
What percentage of savings is acceptable to spend on a wedding?
How big this leaf is
A plane crashed into my friend backyard (no injuries!)
Getting your car stuck on the beach…during a thunderstorm.
This backwards clock my friend has
The amount of cream cheese my friend puts on his bagel...
My car tire balancing on only a tiny patch of snow, somehow not collapsing, after all the snow around it melted
Captcha I got thinking a crop irrigation system is some bicycles
A balloon I accidentally shut in my car door didn’t pop.
Taco Bell predicts OSU win. Go bucks!
This penny I found in my change.
The size difference between a new and old one dollar bill.
LPT: Add the birthday of your friends and family to your calendar. You’ll never forget a birthday, and everyone will appreciate you for remembering.
Everything just went... up
Birthday gift for my wife, she's going to love it!
He's just a friend I swear
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WSB Options Trader Life Cycle
The trusted road to tendies
How do cities keep track of alleys?