Raids complaining
Can someone explain why?
Als je heel je leven nog maar in 1 stad/drop kan wonen welke stad/drop zou dat dan zijn?
How do I cheese shield phase of En06?
Do you guys think Rob Zombie is a good director?
Mensen die de stikstof-wetgeving te streng vinden: willen jullie de criminaliteit ook permanent 'oplossen' door het Wetboek van Strafrecht af te schaffen?
Has anyone in here completed the challenge of playing fo76 for 7600 hours? I have only played the game for 103
Welk beroep had je vroeger laag zitten, maar heb je nu heel veel respect voor?
PSA Check the Whitespring Mall crafting area vendor’s cash register for plans, meds, etc
I wish we had a “I’m sorry” emote for accidentally starting events early
Does anyone still use shelters?
Everything is fine mommy.
Waarom zijn jullie zo slecht in Nederlands?
Found a 5000 cap griefer
why has the atomic shop been so bad this season?
Waarom overgeven als je een vinger in je keel stopt, maar niet poepen als je een vinger in je kont stopt?
The cap limit should be raised to 100K to make player vending viable again
To the people that request items through Bethesda support
How many times can stage 2 be failed before it's acceptable to disband the team?
Weapons/guns on a table.
Requesting Nuka Cola for Weekly pls
My boy turns 20 this year. Found him at a junkyard and he’s been mine ever since. How did you find your baby and how old are they???
In search of Gatling Plasma Mods
Hot Take: Make all of other raids accessible for all playstyles