Genuine question: Why is Valve not perma-banning this people? Because of money?
One of the biggest reasons why I left the left is their shift towards endorsing crime
Stupid question(knife rarity). Hello I don't wanna be that guy, but are all red knives rubies, or is this like a phase 1/2/3? I'm new to skins and this is my second ever knife. First one was just a safari mesh and I heard dopplers have patterns
Driver avoids pedestrian falling on road only to crash in other car
How did I miss this shot when I had 7 ping?
This set reminds me of 2013. I hope people vote for it just to see what Valve can add to it
Lore wise, what hero is the most powerful?
Congrats to the first WEU team to qualify to TI12 on the WEU regional qualifiers!
Trans anon is curious
From 4k hp to 0 in 1.5 seconds(Turbo game)
Amatsu Insect Glaive is the best Insect Glaive, no more debates.
A book not meant for human eyes
Get back down here!
Dragon Insect Glaive build with 200+ element and 600+ raw I made for fun.
Why the Sudden "Trans" Push?
Team Secret say farewell to BOOM
Primordial Malzeno is relentless if nothing else.
Satisfying Counter Shot + Powder Mantle qurio pop
Dota names used to be poetic
Which character has the best voice acting behind them?
Since I've heard that shield HBG is inferior than power barrel, I tried making a viable shield build for people who wanna play solo runs with HBG(me). Main complaints: slight deviation on the right side(either get used to or switch intrepid heart with sniper 1 for) and not 100% affinity.
Someone mentioned Powder Mantle to me, so now I've made a PM + Resus Pierce HBG build with crouching shot. I was a bit sceptical about how good HBG was compared to LBG, and I gotta admit, HBG with Powder Mantle just shreds.
I need input for my rf pierce lbg(xbox) tu3
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"Untitled" by Dan Peacock