Looks like I won’t make it in time, but do you think we will be able to extend the perfect pear event with gems? And if yes do we get the bonus stages?
Friend Code List 13
I just love it when ponies actually go in the areas I designed for them!!
Are these used for anything else after finishing the task of getting 50 plows?
Are any of them in a collection? (I couldn’t find anything about it in the wiki)
Yaayyy Sugar Belle
Happy New Year!
So I made my 10th purchase and this popped up but I didn’t get 300 gems like it said… is this normal and I will get my gems later or should I contact the game ?
He look bad he look like the 3D model
What happens when you finish this? Is there another thing like this?
My little Cloudsdale ☁️🪽I wish they added a cloud path cause the dirt path doesn’t look right..
Should I buy her or are there more ponies that are going to be on sale??
when you purchase something for real money a window with the gifts that come with you first 10 purchases, i think i skipped it, where can i find it? i can't even find a picture of it
I didn’t know we could get this much gems! I feel so lucky !
Should I buy her?
For the current blitz event, are used sapphires or left over sapphires converted into gems??
I have NEVER had so many gems in my account. I'm really afraid of accidentally touching the wrong thing and spending gems on some stupid
Got her !!!
Will it keep these ?
FINALLY GOT ALL MY FAVOURITE PEGASUS GIRLIES🩵🩵🩵 who is your fav pegasus?? let me know :)
Does it ever go on sale?
I love this girl so much she’s so silly and random (and apparently she’s a llama?😭🩷)
How do I keep him out???
Does anyone know how many gems I will get?
Is it better to upgrade one till max and then the other or both at the same time?