What were Bill Clinton’s most liberal achievements during his presidency?
Do you think Phil Collins is a good drummer?
Could these three Presidents all ran as Democrats and no one would have known the difference?
You’ve got one episode to pick as your #1 .. which one is it?
The first thing I think of for every President as an ignorant Australian
It’s the 1912 election, and Roosevelt doesn’t run for a third term, and it’s only Taft and Wilson with the power of hindsight who you vote for?
Nixon doesn’t cover up Watergate. How do you rank his presidency?
Who is the best looking POTUS?
Overall which rivalry is more nasty?
Betterman "Movie" Cringe Like I’ve Never Cringed
What is the most interesting Presidential/Vice Presidential biopic?
Why are high schoolers so lame?
What are your favorite albums?
How do you say NO in your language?
Unpopular opinions you have about the original series?
McCain supporters, did you think he had a chance on election night in 08?
What Dylan song makes you tear up the most?
If There’s One Movie to Show Someone to make them a Star Wars Fan, Which One Would It Be and Why?
Say something nice about a religion (s) other than yours
What is the opinion of Ugandans of Milton Obote?
Time for name a random player!
are there any people here who enjoy teal
What's your "I did not care for the godfather" take for Pixar
Which president should've won reelection
Weezer hot take: the red album is the best weezer album