Tips on polypillling
Inventory management tips?
Need advice on tidying up
First Ascension (with involuntary achievement!)
I know I sound like a Drama Queen but I give up
Samurai Vampire
Truly A Name Of All Time
Steeds, lances and saddles
YASD, vanilla 3.7.0
YAAP - Randy the Chaotic Orcish Ranger
YAAP (Hardfought) - MalkMcJorma (Cav-Hum-Mal-Law)
My attempt at Healer ascension isn’t off to a good start…
First approach to the Quest ever
YAAP - Money the Neutral Monk
Zombie hits, zombie arises [3.7.0]
im scared help (screenshots are hard)
A gift of the Catacombs
Ascension: Archeologist
Need help with quests!!
Keeping enchanted items
Details about Harry the Gnomish Healer
Vegan+Unarmed Monk approaching Sokoban ZOO [3.7.0]
I’m stacked but too heavy, what do I do next? iNethack
Tame yellow lights
Rogue Ascension