one thing you can never say about ikemoto is that’s he’s bad at character design
Trump says it is illegal to boycott Tesla
What’s the funniest album title a pop artist has come up with that makes you lol?
Small light mouse recommendation
Theory on new character
Favorite character who suffered a fate worse than death?
That thing they were in maybe wasn’t the Best, but man they were GREAT in it
Didn’t know she balled like that! Mai playing with the wrong mystics…
The 5 month time skip happened in chapter 190
What was your reaction seeing this panel for the first time?
The 5 month Timeskip does make sense. Yoshida says a week has passed **before** Denji is knocked out again. It is never stated how long he was in prison for.
Who do you think would win in a fight between Captain Marvel and Scarlet Witch?
Is the "animation" part of anime important for you?
Official Discussion - Mickey 17 [SPOILERS]
I truly believe that season 3 will be better than season 2. But would never be season 1 level, here my take.
Which JoJo Has The Worst Stand?
If you had to pick a stand name and ability from your favorite artist, what would you pick?
The way araki describe pain is just really different
So what do you guys think the King of Tori was guarding?
I recently started my SZA journey this is my top 10. Thoughts?
Let's put down our tinfoil hats for a moment. It would be weird if she was Death
What is one game you've played in your life that makes you go like this?
we just mixing together trigun and steel ball run
[DISC] The Marshal King - Chapter 5