The heat in my house isn't working right now so I'm living my own personal Long Dark
Any tips for a new player? (I joined 3 days ago, 6 hours played according to steam)
They are like karens but for video games
comfort object
Paradise Meadows Safehouse -- I honestly really liked the original layout, so I didn't modify it too much
Spooky happenings on Great Bear. Who's out here still?
Furniture crafting request: We need craftable rifle racks
I don't need any more prybars. I don't need any more prybars. I don't need
What makes you Desert when joining a match?
Fog makes some good atmosphere
Headed to bleak inlet. Any advice?
Rabbits still at trappers?
Tips for newbies
Possibly an unpopular opinion
Let's hear your trapped stories
The AI in this game is so bad it's honestly making the game unfun
Spruce Falls Bridge should be renamed to Bear Attack Bridge
Is this a good title?
Winter night by Richard Grimm-Sachsenberg
What is the dumbest way you have entered "the long dark"? or..."How I did something stupid and killed my character".
My humble abode.
What should I name the wolf amalgamation
Warmest day in Pleasant Valley:
My rifle is sticking out of my safe