Which dad would you choose to listen and unload all your lifes problems?
They all invited you over for a holiday dinner. Who's house you choosing?
What’s the most serious moment in a sitcom that shook you?
Freakier Friday | Teaser Trailer | In Theaters August 8
Look for her name please
I'm an ex-recruiter who was paid by some of the largest companies in the world to win salary negotiations with job applicants. Today I want to teach you exactly how to (politely) beat a recruiter when negotiating salary in order to maximize your job offer.
Who's an actor who nailed a role so hard that nobody else will ever be able to live up to it?
Idk what's it's called but it's fun when movies have call out to other actors like these from The Lost world Jurassic Park , or Last Action Hero when Stallone is the Terminator and Twins when Arnold sees a poster of Rambo and laughs. Always seems to be be Arnold.
Tricks you discover when you are broke.
Michigan assistant basketball coach and players throw objects at a referee after losing a game
Perfect Strangers (1986-1993)
Why are Mill cabinet guys paid so little ? ( NJ)
Cleft and Modeling
I didn't know how many points were needed for a diamond, so I just shot it
A guy and his wife kill someone to take their spot and get power. They freak out, start making terrible decisions, and everything falls apart. If you've heard of a Scottish dude who kills a king for the throne, you’ll get what’s happening here.
My parents on a date and on their honeymoon (late 90s)
What the heck you guys doing in these outhouses?
What movie has the best villain?
A young boy learns he’s adopted and leaves home to find folks like him. His journey involves helping someone recover from addiction, combatting a nemesis, meeting celebrities, and outing a trans character.
New Poster for 'F1' Starring Brad Pitt
What lyrics to a song are immediately identifiable by only a few words?
Which Sitcom Character has the worst “Flanderization”
ELI5: What is movement based vision in animals like the T-Rex and if you don't move they can't see you?
ELI5: why is my post keep getting flagged and removed based on current events when asking about the T-Rex movement based vision and how come if you stay still your invisible to it
ElI5: what is movement based vision? I watched the original Jurassic Park and Dr. Grant says a t-rex can't see you if you don't move. So if you stay still your invisible to it?