When are we getting a lore book?
Takis wow 😲
be honest, do you still like this show?
What’s the most minor inconvenience in your daily life that somehow feels like the biggest problem?
How do we feel about a Mac n cheese burrito?
MC thinks he's a "hot dad"
What are some kind, wholesome subreddits to look at when others get too toxic?
Cross post (not mine): "This is what one of my students turned in for her career/budget project in my high school math class. 🤣 A+ work!"
This is what one of my students turned in for her career/budget project in my high school math class. 🤣 A+ work!
I made “Happy Bee-Day” brownies for my coworker. One person grabbed one.
What are some things that make an attractive person instantly unattractive?
If you could act, what's the one role you've always wanted to do?
What villain would you bone if you got the chance?
I'm a mix between 3, 6 and 8 👀
Something I found on Instagram
Full-time FB master debater
I told him that a woman’s life is worth more than an embryo.
What is with this community being spammed with smooth-brain questions?
Wth is this guy doing !?💀
Were there any female human riders?
People saying “addicting” instead of “addictive”.
Why can’t the world just live in peace?
Why is this man excited? (wrong answers only)
Tell me the instrument that you play
My SpongeBob painting!