Looking for shiny legendaries, offering shiny larvesta.
Please help with shiny Gmax Raikou! LF top of 1st pic offering 1st and 2nd pic ❌✈️❌✈️
Rural player, looking for help in finding my favorite mons, not much I can offer, however all of my offers are 2018 or earlier (I have more old mons, let me know if you're looking for something specific)
Looking for nothing, offering my Armored Mewtwo!
LF 1st Page Offering 2nd Page
LF: 2019 Shiny Ray | Ft: below and much more, dm me | Can do 2:1 | Ray is registered |
Rate my personal top 4
Looking for top offering bottom
LF some shiny legendary FT dmax gmax
LF shiny costumes, Clones, shiny legendary FT Below Also looking for charcadet shiny.
I need people to help me out with charizard! By westpark & wilcrest dr
LF shiny GMax Charizard as lucky mirror shiny GMax Venasaur as Lucky offering pics 1 & 2. ❌✈️
LF top offering below
LF Lucky Mirror FT Below
Looking for/ offering below
LF Best Offer. Offering Shiny Gmax Kanto Starters
Giveaway: Looking for a lucky winner, offering armoured mewtwo
My Alt keeps geting them, so have to pass luck to someone here! Giving 1 away today! 5PM EST!!!! Drop a comment which u want!
Offering page 1, looking for page 2. CAN FLY. Open to 30 day or registered trades.
My 4×4; what would you recommend (i bet I've watched it tho 😅)
I smoked two joints before I smoked two joints and then I had high tea
looking for/ offering below
so what do I watch next?
Now that Unova Tour has concluded i’m curious to see everyones top 15 mons
Looking for top can offer bottom plus old costumes/shiny legendaries