What do you do when a guy starts hitting on your female singer right in front of you?
How did TikTok go from silly dances to "How are the Chinese people better off than us?" In what seems like a couple of days?
Ce platforme de streaming pentru muzica folositi?
Russia is a ‘cancer’ that could destroy the world, Lithuania’s first post-Soviet leader says
If a Fresh Election Were Held, the far-right FPÖ Would Secure Its Largest Vote Share Ever
Who's feeding the cows while their MAGA owners are in DC?
A photo of German MFA Baerbock seemingly "avoiding" Scholz has gone viral. Media claimed she refused to take a photo with the Chancellor over his blocking of a €3B aid package for Ukraine. Baerbock clarified that the photo was misinterpreted, saying she simply didn’t notice Scholz reaching out
Republican Congress members have introduced a bill in the House of Representatives to “authorize the President to seek to enter into negotiations with the Kingdom of Denmark to secure the acquisition of Greenland by the United States”
What is the point of circumcision?
Semnale tăcute că Rusia s-ar pregăti pentru un atac împotriva NATO. ”Amenințarea este uriașă”
Such a busy stable genius.
Poftim cultura
„Răcnetul Carpaților” dă sfaturi suveraniștilor care vor să „vorbească liber” în „Securistan”.
Gabriela Braniște candidează la prezidențiale. E un fel de Georgescu la puterea 2.
Sindicaliștii acuză politicienii de aplicare discriminatorie a măsurilor de austeritate: Elimină facilitățile la construcţii, IT şi agricultura, dar mențin scutirea de TVA la jocurile de noroc și scutirea de impozit la criptomonede
"I am aware this is a dream: that instead of a Brexit, we will have a Breturn. Perhaps I am labouring under an illusion. But I'd rather be an optimist and harbour these dreams in my heart. Sometimes they come true in politics." - Donald Tusk.
The Naomi bots, they look like us, they are multiplying... they have a plan.
Surpriză la început de an: FMI a schimbat şeful pentru România şi descinde la Bucureşti la începutul lunii februarie să se întâlnească cu Guvernul şi BNR pentru a ”analiza evoluţiile economice şi financiare recente”
Simboluri naționale
A fost prins bărbatul care a furat trei picioare amputate de la un spital din Bucureşti
If couches could fly would you take it everywhere?
If TikTok gets banned, then how will I self diagnose myself with mental disorders?
Pentru cei care zic ca nu s-a schimbat nimic. O mica bucata din Bucuresti Vitan anii 90 vs prezent.
A Transcendence of Idiocracy.
Can a human run faster than a pig?